An Autodesk® Fusion 360™ add-in that warns when features are created outside components. It also warns when creating a feature across components (It works if the reference feature is selected before creating the new feature).
A warning will be shown every time a new feature is created at the top-level or in the wrong component. At that point, the user can choose to either Cancel, Continue or Stop the warning messages for the current document session.
This add-in is free, but if you like it, you can buy me a coffee (Ko-fi link).
About This Version
Version 1.1.0, 9/13/2021
* v 1.1.0
* Mac OS support
* v 1.0.2
* Enable *Run on Startup* by default.
* v 1.0.1
* Fix: Don't warn when creating a solid feature from sketch face while in the sketch.
* v 1.0.0
* Warn when creating features in the wrong component.
* v 0.2.6
* Fix: Make "Run on start-up" work
* v 0.2.5
* Fix: Don't double-trigger when sketch is created using button
* v 0.2.4
* Fix: Match all plane commands
* v 0.2.3
* Warn on construction object creation as well
* More detailed usage instructions
* v 0.2.2
* MIT license, for inclusion Autodesk app store
* v 0.2.1
* Fix duplicated words in dialog text
* v 0.2.0
* Better button labels
When do you make the most mistakes?
For me, it's when I am in a rush. Well this add-in reminds you...slow down and make that component first!
Thanks Thomas!
That should be a standard feature in Fusion 360. It is the most critical thing in Fusion to activate the right component before you create anything. This helps a lot in preventing mistakes that ruins your tree.
This is a great idéa. Seems to work perfectly.
Mattias is right.
I cannot say how many "thousands" of times I'm deep into a design with snorkel and goggles on only to realize after an hour or two in "the zone" I've built an entire section out in random places! I cannot believe this is not THE most downloaded app for Fusion...and for the price of a cup of coffee.
~Thanks Tom!
This is a great idéa. Seems to work perfectly.