The AccurateViewTool can be used with presentation file and assembly parts, to control the rotation of the exact view, and the image of the specified size. This tool has the capacity to capture and export images easily.
This tool is suitable for users who repeatedly create a variety of documents using 3D data.
When you open a file (.iam, .ipt, .ipn), In the ribbon panel [View] - [AccurateView] command will appear in [Menix Co, Ltd.].
If you click on the [AccurateView], the app panel opens. The app dialog is made up with the control buttons and at the top and bottom, you can see five panels.
View Operation Panel:
・[Accurate] ・・・ Control group to be rotated at a specified angle perspective.
・[Fixed] ・・・ Group of controls that set the view to the view direction of the fixed form.
・[Representation] ・・・ Controls for switching between each representation set in the model.
Operation Settings Panel
・[Snapshot] ・・・ Set the capture export of the image.
・[Setting] ・・・ Setting of perspective when modifying.
Operates in the tab panel and click “Capture” or “Export” to use the output data in a text document or other format.
For additional information please refer, https://autode.sk/3Y6KJC2
Works great and good tool :)
I use it well There is no control over shortcuts. Is there a hotkey support plan for each view?
It's unfortunate this feature isn't natively included in Inventor but I'm thankful Menix was capable of creating an Add In.
It's being utilized for daily presentation. When png will be default, it's better.
It's very easy to use. I used it a lot for previews for mi clients. Fast, accurate and precise views and it's free. Thank you very much guys. :)
It's a really cool app to control over the view position! Also, a quick-changer for the cholor scheme (+1 star :) )