JTB Text Bubble

JTB Text Bubble

Win32 a 64, Čeština

JTB World Inc.
Inserts Text Bubbles at end of lines, arcs, polylines, splines, and leaders or at any other location of your choice. Renumber the text bubbles quickly as needed.

Obecné pokyny k použití

TBB command asks you to specify the diameter of the Bubble's circle, and enter the text value (automatically increase if in sequence).

Then you can pick on lines, arcs, polylines, splines, and leaders. TBB would insert a Text Bubble at the end of the selected line, aligned exactly to the line's direction.

Náhled obrazovky


Ikona pásu karet/panelu nástrojů Příkaz Popis příkazu


Once you have purchased a license, use this command to get your computer name and send it to JTB World for the activation key. This command is available at the command line only.


Select texts and mtexts and convert all to Text Bubbles.


Renumber mark attributes of Text Bubbles and/or other blocks. 4 options are: 1. Find and replace; 2. Adjust attribute; 3. Highlight bubbles of the specified mark for editing via Properties Panel. 4. Turn on or off auto grouping Examples of TBBRE command with new start number is 3: + Auto grouping is on : 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5 will be 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5 + Auto grouping is off: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5 will be 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Inserts Text Bubbles to lines, arcs, polylines, splines, and leaders.


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app. Or, double-click the downloaded installer to install the app. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to be able to run the app.

To uninstall this app, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it.

On Windows 11 and 10 version 1703 or later press Windows+I on the keyboard to access Settings or click or right-click the Windows Start button and then select Settings. Click on Apps (optionally followed by Apps & Features). On older Windows versions click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features or Control Panel > Add.

Další informace

Once you have purchased a license, use the JTBW_Activate_Apps command to get your computer name and email to JTB World for the activation key. This command is available on the command line only. Before activated, the app will run for 15 days without limitations, after this, it will only work on drawings with less than 500 objects in model space.

Známé problémy


Název společnosti: JTB World Inc.
Webové stránky společnosti: https://jtbworld.com
Kontakt na podporu: info@jtbworld.com

Informace o autorovi/společnosti

JTB World Inc.

Informace o podpoře

For support visit our Contact page.

Historie verzí

Číslo verze Popis verze


Added AutoCAD 2025 support


Added AutoCAD 2024 support


Added AutoCAD 2023 support


Added AutoCAD 2022 support


Upgraded to License 4.3


Updated installer (no version change)


Network license upgrade. Add support for AutoCAD 2020.


Added Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2019 support. No change in version number.


Minor Upgrade


Compatible with AutoCAD® 2016

Upgrade error handle functions

Fix bug when working in layout's viewport

Added digital signatures on VLX and MSI files


TBBRE now have option to renumber with/without grouping similar numbers. 

Now the increment functionality covers a wider range of pattern. If you enter 1a, 1b then it will go 1c, 1d ... If you enter AB1, AB2 then it will go AB3, AB4 ...

TBB_CV command renamed to TBBCV.

TBB_RE command renamed to TBBRE.

Bug fixed when DimScale is set to 0.


Added support to AutoCAD® 2015.(no change in version number)

Locked layers notification.

Fixed error in TBB_CV when convert MText to Text Bubble.

Refine code. Works with all AutoCAD products.

Fixed error when running in different language version of AutoCAD.


Enabled working with arcs, curved polylines, splines and leaders.

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