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SpeedJoin for Autodesk® Revit® is a minimalist Addin that helps users to do in just three clicks what normally took hundreds of clicks and a lot of time. With a very powerful algorithm, speed up your tasks and work smarter and faster.
- Very intuitive interface that doesn't need any prior adaptation time.
- Perform thousands of Join operations (Join, Unjoin and Switch join) in seconds.
- The new tool "Walls Cleaning" allow you to join all stacked walls to generate a clean facade
- Don't forget a single element anymore and waste time in looking for undone elements.
- With the Join & Switch tool, you can, in one click join elements then switch the join order automatically.
- You can verify that your elements are correctly joined with Isolate/Restore button that isolates temporarily the two categories.
- Can take charge of all kinds of elements even In situ ones.
- Effortlessly make your model cleaner and get the right quantities in your schedules.
- Just after the purchase, you will receive a License Key for the activation of the SpeedJoin Addin.
- A life time license
Verzió 2.0, 2021. 09. 13.
Walls cleaning tool and Some improvements and bugs fixed .