Sistema operativo:


Large projects also involve a large number of levels. The add-in is intended to provide tools for batch processing.


This includes a multi-layer renaming tool that could be used to rename all levels which could save a lot of time compared to renaming each level manually.


The add-in is useful in the early stages of a project when you're setting up the basic structure of your design. For instance, for a skyscraper project, you could quickly create all the floors you need.


These features would be most useful at the beginning of a project when the basic structure is being set up, but could also be used throughout the project as necessary.

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione 2.0.0, 10/06/2024
Added Revit 2024 and Revit 2025 support.

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Recensioni dei clienti

1 recensione
Richiedi assistenza tecnica
  • Gostava muito desse plugin
    Adriano Serafim da Silva | maggio 19, 2024 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Uma pena não ser atualizado para outras versões

    Fabian Oswald (Autore) | maggio 21, 2024

    Muito obrigado pela boa crítica. O addin será atualizado em breve.

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