Luminaire Hub - Dialux Tools
The Add-In simplifies the lighting calculation workflow between Autodesk® Revit® to DIALux 4® and Evo®.
How to use videos can be found on YouTube
STF export function.
Currently, supported model elements to be exported to .stf file are:
- Spaces
- Windows (Curtain walling excluded)
- Doors
- Luminaires
The Elements are then written to the .stf file which can be imported into DIALux 4®, the add-in also exports a 3D DWG file to the same chosen location which can then be overlayed in DIALux®. Luminaires are imported into DIALux® as placeholders which can then be swapped out for other luminaire photometric files for calculation. Geometry can be imported into DIALux EVO® through the use of the .stf file but it doesn't support windows, doors or luminaires.
STF import function.
The import function works by reading in the STF file, the user can then assign Revit families to them and add references to a selected family parameter. The luminaires families are then placed in the model to match the DIALux calculation.
The DIALux file must have been created using the STF export function (The space names must match as these are used as a key).
Some Revit Family luminaire placement types work better than others - Unhosted and LevelBased are the most consistent while ceiling, face and wall and any other do not always come in at the correct location.
The import function does not support the use of LINE, CIRCLE or FIELD arrangements in DIALux to place luminaires, the light planning should be undertaken in Revit or just with the use of the INDIVIDUAL placement (See image and help document for more information.
STF export function.
This command exports an IFC file from a 3D view that contains only elements in the current file, visible in the current view with the correct settings for importing to DIALux Evo.
Product Road Map.
NOTE: Anyone purchasing the app will get access to the future releases
Next release:
- DWG file to import lumianires into Revit
- Additional export element support for curtain wall glazing panels
- Option to either export Rooms or Spaces
- Perform Calculations within Revit using the Lumen method
- Space manager to define requirements
Where future release ?
Exist APP for REVIT2022 and 2023?
Hi, I believe STF export works fine, however the precision of the coordinates of the export sometimes changes in case of decimal numbers for the same file. Also, I havent been able to use import function properly, the fixtures are pasted some other part of the model.