7cad TitleBlock2Layout Online

7cad TitleBlock2Layout Online

, English

Convert model space title blocks to layouts

General Usage Instructions

The web page has two buttons and two fields for input:

+ You enter the title block name and the attribute tag as inputs

+ Click [Choose File] button and select your drawing to upload to the web page

+ Click Submit button

+ Wait for a while to download the result.

In details, in the background, over the cloud of Autodesk® Platform Design Automation Service, the app will work like this:

+ Select all title blocks.

For each title block:

+ Create a new layout named after the attribute

+ Move the title block from model space to the new layout

+ Set the block's scale to 1

+ Create a viewport on the title block

+ Zoom and twist the viewport to the title block's old position in model space

Finally, sort layout tabs by layout name




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: 7cad
Support Contact: linh@7cad-programming.com

Author/Company Information


Support Information

Contact me (Linh) at linh@7cad-programming.com

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release.
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