Digital Handover Tools: Automatic File Transfer

Digital Handover Tools: Automatic File Transfer

, English

Edocuments Ltd
Automatically transfer files between the Autodesk Construction Cloud®/ Autodesk® BIM 360® and EDocs digital handover platform.

General Usage Instructions

To integrate 'EDocs' app in ACC/BIM 360 follow the below steps.

1. ACC/ BIM 360 Admins can find the EDocs app in Account Administration under the "Apps" tab.
2. Select to add to your ACC Account.
3. Your EDocs Integration is active now in ACC/ BIM 360.

This File Transfer Application has two main uses:

  1. It is used to transfer files between ACC or BIM 360 to and from EDocs building information platform. This is primarily to speed up the process and increase the accuracy or producing digital handover documentation such as operation and maintenance manuals (O&M’s)
  2. It is also used in combination with EDocs 3D Model Health Checker to interrogate the meta-data within your 3D models and validate them against a database of information requirements.

The application requires a subscription to EDocuments Ltd, or to be involved in a project that is being managed within Edocuments Ltd’s Platform.

The workflow when considering the production of O&M manuals would be to configure this file transfer application to move the “record” or “as-built” status information as soon as they become available.


Step By Step Instructions

  1. Login into the EDocs platform using your credentials provided by EdDocuments ltd.
  2. Navigate to the relevant project that you wish to pull data from ACC or BIM 360.
  3. If the template is pre-configured then you can miss this step otherwise you will need to add a form to the document which will become a placeholder for the files that are fetched from ACC/ BIM 360.
  4. Add a form of type “integrations” and select the “BIM 360 Documents Sync” template.
  5. Once this form has been added it can be configured.
  6. Click the “manage BIM 360 Documents”  button and on the first occasion, you will be prompted to sign into the ACC.
  7. After completing this step the same button  “manage BIM 360 Documents” can be used to configure the options for the sync process.
  8. It is important that you as minimum select the correct Autodesk cloud folder, and set the “sync enabled” switch to on.
  9. Following this a background timer event will check for files every hour and fetch them if they are new and meet the sync criteria.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Edocuments Ltd
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Author/Company Information

Edocuments Ltd

Version History

Version Number Version Description

Initial version of EDocs file transfer application.
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