Data Exchange for Grasshopper®, Early Access

Data Exchange for Grasshopper®, Early Access

, English

Autodesk, Inc.
Data Exchange – Grasshopper Connector can share the subset of information from Grasshopper with other applications such as Rhino, Revit, Inventor, and Power Automate in a neutral and secure form.

General Usage Instructions

  • The Grasshopper user must have an Autodesk Construction Cloud® (or trial) license to access projects on ACC. Ensure that you are signed in to ACC to launch the Autodesk® Revit®. ACC uses the Autodesk credentials. 
  • Important: Data Exchanges are only supported for US-based hubs and projects currently.


Click here to go through the detailed documentation on Data Exchange Grasshopper Connector.


Grasshopper Connector’s Nodes usage

1. Get Exchange 

This node is used to get Data Exchange from ACC and share the Data Exchange information as an object in the output node after authentication. This node provides Data Exchange as output after fetching from ACC. 

2. ExchangeInfo

This node takes Data Exchange as input and provides specific information about the Data Exchange in the panel through separate outputs. You can view the Data Exchange information by using this node. 

3. Receive Exchange

This node is used to receive Data Exchange. This node takes Data Exchange as input and provides DXData as output.

4.  Convert To Geometries 

This node is used to process the Data Exchange and get Geometry. This node takes DXData as input and provides Geometry as output. You can preview the Geometry in the Rhino using this node.

5.  Convert to Parameters

This node is used to process the Data Exchange and get Parameters. This node takes DXData as input and provides Data Exchange Parameters as output. You can view all of the Data Exchange Parameters by using this node. 

6.  Filter By Parameter 

This node is used to filter the required data from Data Exchange. This node takes DXData, Parameter Name, and Parameter Value as input and provides DXData as output after filtering the data based on user input. 

7.  Read Object

This node is used to get the baked Geometries list and their Attributes. This node takes single or multiple Geometries as input and provides Geometry lists and their Attributes as output. 

8.  Send Exchange 

This node is used to send the Data Exchange. This node takes Data Exchange information, Geometry list, and Attributes as input and provides the send status of the Data Exchange as output. 

9.  Bake

This node is used to create baked geometry. This node takes Geometry and Parameters as input and shows the baking status as output. 

For more information on how to get started with the Connectors and work with Data Exchanges, such as creating, updating, loading, and loading latest Data Exchanges, refer to:




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Autodesk, Inc.

Author/Company Information

Autodesk, Inc.

Support Information

Please reach out to our team incase of any queries on -

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Features Support Autodesk® BIM 360® projects along with ACC. Users should be able to create and load exchanges into their BIM 360 Projects Bug Fixes: Handling of parameters Fixed issue around handling of large exchanges


1. Added primitive geometry (Lines, Points, and Curves) support while loading Data Exchanges. 2. Added color support while creating Data Exchanges. 3. Minor bug fixes.


1. Support reading mesh geometry in Grasshopper 2. Support writing mesh geometry.


1. Share Geometry and parameters from Grasshopper through Data exchanges 2. Load and Bake Geometries from exchanges created by other Data Exchange connectors.
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