BIM load

BIM load

, English

BIM load automates project setup in Autodesk Construction Cloud®. Quickly assign users and roles in bulk, and apply custom folder structure templates to new projects.

General Usage Instructions

BIM load is designed to be used when creating a project in Autodesk Construction Cloud.

  1. Define Users & Groups: Create user groups and assign project-specific roles and services.
  2. Design Folder Templates: Build reusable folder structure templates tailored to your team’s needs.
  3. Apply Settings to Projects: Assign users, groups, and templates to new Autodesk Construction Cloud projects with ease.


Authenticating with Autodesk Construction Cloud

  1. Go to the Integrations page of the application and click "Add Integration".
  2. Name the Integration and then click the "Add" button.
  3. You will be taken to the Autodesk Authorization page where you will be asked to authorize BIM load with Autodesk.
  4. You will then be redirected to BIM load where your integration is stored.
  5. From here, you will be able to add users and folder templates to your Autodesk Construction Cloud projects through the Projects page


Managing Users and Groups in BIM load

1. Add a User

    • Go to Users and click Add User.
    • Enter user details and click Add.
    • Optionally, upload users in bulk using a spreadsheet.

2. Create a Group

    • Go to Groups and click Add Group.
    • Enter the group name and optionally assign users.
    • Groups can be used to organize users for easy assignment.

3. Assign Users to a Project

    • Go to Projects and select the Autodesk Construction Cloud project.
    • Click Members and choose Add Members.
    • Assign:
      • Groups: Assign all users in a group with a specific role (e.g., Architect) and enable services (e.g., Docs, Build).
      • Users: Add individual users directly.
    • Save the assignments. Changes will sync within a few minutes.

4. Automatic User Sync

    • Adding users to an assigned group automatically adds them to all associated projects with the group’s role and permissions.


Creating and Applying Folder Templates

1. Create a Folder Template

    • Go to Templates and click Add Folder Template.
    • Enter a name for the template.
    • Define the folder structure, including subfolders if needed.

2. Click Add to save the template.

    • Apply a Folder Template to a Project
    • Go to Projects and select the desired Autodesk Construction Cloud project.
    • Click Apply Folder Template.

3. Choose the template and select the folder where it should be applied.

4. Click Apply. The folder structure will now appear in the selected location.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: DeckardDesigns
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information


Support Information

Users can contact us for support or a demo at any time using the e-mail address

Version History

Version Number Version Description


The initial release of BIM load. Fully functional allowing the uploading of users and building of folder templates.
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