PDFBilt Connect

PDFBilt Connect

, English

Kenesto Corporation
PDFBilt Connect automatically splits and links multi-sheet construction PDF documents stored in Autodesk® Construction Cloud and then returns the split and linked document to the ACC

General Usage Instructions

Once the construction documents are released as multi-sheet PDF documents, Kenesto's PDFBilt Connector for ACC can be used to split, automatically rename, and link the component sheets including the call-outs and then the document can be saved either as a bound set or in a directory of the component sheets. As the project progresses and quotations, RFIs and markups are received from subcontractors, these marked up sheets can be slip sheeted into the correct location automatically by Kenesto's PDFBilt Connector. PDFBilt also allows teams to markup and create issue reports in a web environment which in turn can be uploaded to the ACC. Other features include automatic table extraction from PDF documents to Excel and in-field annotation on phones and tablets.

Bluebeam users who are familiar with multi-step (OCR, label, split, link) semi-manual workflows will find speed improvement of 3-5X and will find that the processing in Kenesto is fully automatic.

How to Use PDFBilt Connect

  1. Youl'll neeed a copy of PDFBilt or Kenesto Drive to get started.  Download PDFBilt (free) here: www.kenesto.com/pdfbilt. Skip this step if you've already got this.
  2. Launch PDFBiltConnect and click on "Export from ACC". If you're not logged into the Autodesk Construction Cloud, you'll be prompted to enter your login and password. PDFBiltConnect will then prompt you to allow the app to write, manage, and view your ACC data.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Kenesto Corporation
Support Contact: support@kenesto.com

Author/Company Information

Kenesto Corporation

Support Information

Support for PDFBilt Connect is available during normal business hours (east coast time, UTC -5) by contacting support@kenesto.com.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release.
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