Cadgen Quick Polyline
This application makes drawing repetitive polylines or splines between blocks fun again. It contains 4 commands-
CGQUICK_POLY - Draw a polyline by selecting 2 blocks. An automatic orthogonal polyline is drawn and filleted with an optional radius. The endpoints of the polyline are created in the center of the bounding rectangle for each block, excluding text and attributes. Then the polyline is trimmed at the outermost intersecting block entity.
CGPOLY - Draw a polyline by selecting all vertices. The polyline will be trimmed to the intersecting edge of any block that contains the first or last vertex, and filleted with an optional radius.
CGQUICK_SPLINE - Draw a spline by selecting 2 blocks. An automatic spline is drawn. The endpoints of the spline are created in the center of the bounding rectangle for each block, excluding text and attributes. Then the spline is trimmed at the outermost intersecting block entity.
CGSPLINE - Draw a spline by selecting all vertices. The spline will be trimmed to the intersecting edge of any block that contains the first or last vertex.
Trimming function ignores blocks on locked layers.
Hi, please add suport for later versions. Thank you.
Please update to 2021. Thank you.
Hi. How to use this plugin with Autocad 2021, 2022
dear sir,
kindly update autocad 2023 update please
thank you
Autocad 2024 support needed , please add this support for me and all people using autocad 2024 version
and please every time update as per new version
I'd like to use this more, but it constantly locks up AutoCAD. It will run a few times, then freezes. It's become so bad that I have to do a save before I run this tool.
Exactly what I need to draw electric circuits
I use this daily to produce low voltage system designs. Time savings are measured in hours of time with this tool.
Saves a lot of time when i drawing electrical installation plans. Thank you very much!
This is a very simple and powerful little plugin. Approved!