Pipe Tools

Pipe Tools

Win64, English

High-Fructose Software
A set of tools to simplify manipulating and designing with gravity pipe networks.

General Usage Instructions

Gravity pipe networks can be quickly and easily graded by setting the downstream invert utilizing traditional methods, then running the GradePipe command.

The user is prompted to select the pipe to be graded near the end of the pipe to have it's elevation held, then the desired pipe grade is requested. The specified pipe grade is carried through all pipes connected by null structures to the next structure. The SetManholeInvert command can then be used to set pipe inverts connected to the same structure based on a downstream pipe elevation to be held. Alternating between GradePipe and SetManholeInvert a pipe network can be graded very quickly and efficiently.

Labels can also be added to pipes showing invert, obvert, diameter, pipe network, top of pipe, bottom of pipe, or any combination thereof using the GetPipeElevation command to easily check for crossing conflicts, tie-in elevations, etc.



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description


The user is prompted to select two pipes connected to the same structure. The first pipe selected is unaltered, then the elevation of the second pipe is set based on the first pipe. By default, the suggested pipe jump through a manhole is 0.03m with no deflection, 0.06m for a 90 degree deflection and 0.15m for an acute angle, or matching pipe obverts, whichever results in the greater difference in inverts. The user can also enter a specific difference in inverts to use. Default values can also be changed in the settings.


Set the grade of pipes quickly and easily. Select the pipe to be graded, the end of the pipe closest to the selection point will hold the current elevation, then the user is prompted to enter the desired pipe grade. The grade of the pipe is then changed and any pipe segments attached via null structures are also graded per the entered grade.


Select a pipe to add a label to, then the location on the pipe to label. A multileader is then added to the drawing showing the pipe information at the specified location. The layer for the label and what information to show can be set in the settings. Available information is the pipe network name, pipe size and material, invert elevation, obvert elevation, bottom of pipe elevation, top of pipe elevation, and springline elevation.


Opens a menu to set default settings. Default manhole jumps for the SetManholeInvert command can be set based on deflection angles through the connecting manhole, the option to match pipe obverts, or to set the invert of the upstream pipe at the elevation of the downstream obvert if the upstream pipe is a weeping tile drain, based on the upstream pipe size. Pipe label information to include in labels, and the layer to put the label on can also be set.


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plugin from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plugin. Or, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugins.

You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plugin.

To uninstall this plugin, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. Or, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Additional Information

Known Issues

There's currently no setting to grade pipes only for a single pipe length. If connected with null structures, grades are carried through to the next structure that isn't a null structure.


Company Name: High-Fructose Software

Author/Company Information

High-Fructose Software

Support Information

This software is provided without warranty, and the author accepts no liability for it's use. For support or questions, please contact HighFructoseSoftware@gmail.com

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release.
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