Autonomous Valve CFD

Autonomous Valve CFD

, English

Centre for Computational Technologies (CCTech)
Get CV, KV performance curves within minutes for your valve design. An automated CFD simulation-based app for control valve designers.

General Usage Instructions

Create Project

To start a project in Autonous Valve CFD you first need to sign to simulationHub dashboard. Click on the “create a new project button from dashboard” this will opens up a popup. Provide simulation name, description and select the app template to create a new project.

Upload Valve geometry and specify details

Once a new simulation is created, you will be directed to the geometry stage. This is the first step towards running a CFD simulation in the Autonomous Valve CFD app.  Upload the input CAD model as an assembly file or a multi-body part file in the CAD file formats: IPT, STP, STEP, SAT, X_T.etc.,

Define moving component setting

The next step is to give information about moving components e.g, trim, an axis along which parts will move. 

Provide opening conditions

To get the performance curve for rotating or lift control valves, the user needs to define valve opening conditions. For the rotary valve, it would be opening conditions and for linear motion, valves would be lifted.

Define flow direction

Valve connection settings allow you to specify the inlet and outlet side of the connecting pipe which determines the direction of flow. User needs to specify inlet and outlet pipes here and the app will automatically set flow direction.

Run simulation

In the next stage to submit the simulation run click on the "Submit simulation“ button. This will opens up a popup that will show the credit required and credits remaining. Click on the 'Run Simulation' button to begin the simulation.


The app provides both quantitative and qualitative results obtained from the CFD simulations. The quantitative results include flow performance coefficients Cv, Kv, K, and hydrodynamic torque coefficient Cdt for multiple opening angles. It provides results in the table format as well as the characteristic curves. Qualitative results include CFD results like flowlines, surface pressure, contour plots. The app also provides auto-generated detailed CFD pdf report that can directly share with their customers.



Additional Information

You can visit simulation gallery for already completed simulation and evaluate the results

Known Issues


Company Name: Centre for Computational Technologies (CCTech)
Company URL:
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

Centre for Computational Technologies (CCTech)

Support Information

Version History

Version Number Version Description


First Version to publish on Autodesk App store.
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