3D Model-Inspector Basic
Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
After installation of the Basic app, an additional button "ModelInspector" is available in the Autodesk® Inventor® Ribbon tabs "Addins" and "Inspect".
Pressing this button will display the 3D Model-Inspector Check dialogue.
The dialogue column "Configuration" offers 2 simple Check Configurations:
suitable to demonstrate the functionality of 3D Model-Inspector Basic app and limited to 5 representative Check Options:
- SketchFullyConstrained (IPT, IAM)
- PropertiesFilled (IPT, IAM, IDW/DWG)
- FirstPartFix (IAM)
- AssemblyContstraints (IAM)
- ObjectsBehindPartEnd (IPT, IAM)
suitable for checking iProperties that have to be filled out, limited to a single Check option:
- PropertiesFilled (IPT, IAM, IDW/DWG)
Note: Using the unlimited 3D Model-Inspector Addin allows you to define numerous individual and more comprehensive Check Configurations.
You might also have a look at the Video tutorial describing the 3D Model-Inspector AddIn found in the 'Videos-Area' at: www.3dmodel-inspector.com.
After selecting a Check Configuration it is recommended to control the status of the Check parameters listed in the dialogue section "Settings":
to check all referenced components of the model (i.e. all parts and subassemblies of an assembly or all parts and assemblies displayed in the views or section views of a drawing.
Ignore examined/write-protected files
to ignore examined or write-protected documents during the Model check.
The identification of examined documents can be based on specific, filled iProperties. Files with write-protection are also indicated as examined documents.
Ignore ContentCenter Parts
to ignore Standard parts during the Model check.
Pressing the button "Start" will start the Model check, based on the selected Check Configuration and Program Settings.
During the check only those Check Options are applied, that match the current model type (IPT, IAM, or IDW/DWG).
Thus, using the Configuration "ModelInspectorBasic" the Option "FirstPartFix" isn't applied to a Model check of a Part.
The result of each Check option (OK, Notice, Warning or Error) is indicated in the column "Status" of the 3D Model-Inspector Check dialogue.
Furthermore, the "highest" Error Level of the last Model check is always indicated in the upper right of the 3D Model-Inspector Check dialogue.
Note: The displayed icon isn't linked to a function and solely designed to provide quick information about the model's quality, even when using comprehensive Check Configurations with numerous Check Options that exceed the visible entries in the Check dialogue.
Beyond these dialogue hints, the user can generate a detailed Check report by pressing the button "Create Report" (only available after executing a Model check).
When using the predefined program settings, all Report files are stored in HTML/MHT-format in the folder
A generated Check report can be opened and displayed at once by pressing the button "Open report" (only available after generating a Check report).
Pressing the button "User guide" will display the PDF-file of the User manual, including information about installation, configuration, and use of the 3D Model-Inspector Basic app.
Significant Program settings and Check Configurations are specified in the folder C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\ModelInspectorBasic.bundle\Contents and can be edited in the following, scalable INI-Files by using a common Text Editor (e.g. WordPad, Notepad++).
general Program Settings, e.g. Report Path and contents, usable Check Configurations, etc.
describes usable Check Configurations and associated Check Options, e.g. List of iProperties to be checked.
Each Check Option can be combined with an Error level (Notice, Warning, or Error) and be linked to a supplementary document, e.g. Cad Guideline.)
definition of all iProperties that can be checked by 3D Model-Inspector, using the Check Option "PropertiesFilled".
This file already includes all Standard iProperties, Custom iProperties can be added.
Beyond the possibility to check if iProperties are filled out, each iProperty can be combined with a list of optional default values that have to be matched by the model.
Note: If you intend to customize the configuration files, first of all, make backup copies and have a look at the instructions in the comment lines of the appropriate file.
You should also study the annotations and configuration examples, described for each Check Option, using the links in the column "Manual" of the 3D Model-Inspector Check dialogue.
Using the unlimited 3D Model-Inspector AddIn, all essential Configuration settings can also be edited by the integrated ConfigWizard (not available in the BasicApp !).
The installer that run when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.
You can unload the plugin without uninstalling it by unchecking the "Loaded/Unloaded" check box associated with the plugin in the Autodesk Inventor Add-In Manager. You may have to restart Inventor to completely unload the application.
To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, you can uninstall it from 'Control Panel/Programs and Features' (Windows 7/8.1/10), just as you would uninstall any other application from your system.
Additional Information
3D Model-Inspector Basic is designed for use with Inventor 2021, 2029, 2019 and 2018 and provided with English language- and configuration-files.
Language- and configuration-files in German and a 30-day trial version of the unlimited 3D Model-Inspector full version with complete inspection scope can be ordered by email: info@3dmodel-inspector.com
Known Issues
In case of problems check if Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 or higher is installed.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Contact us at: info@3dmodel-inspector.com.
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
2021.1 |
Updated Release of free 3D Model-Inspector Basic App - can also be used with Autodesk® Inventor® 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018. |
V2016.2 |
Updated Release of free 3D Model-Inspector Basic App - can also be used with Inventor 2017. |
V2016.1 |
Updated Release of free 3D Model-Inspector Basic App. |
V2015.2 |
First release of free 3D Model-Inspector Basic app |