Nest 1D

Digitally signed app



Any uniform profile material cutting can be analyzed with Nest 1D. Any material which comes in standard lengths or rolls like Rods, Beams, Tubes, Bars or any other uniform profile material lengths can be optimized with Nest 1D

Ease of use:

Nest 1D has an intuitive user interface which makes it easy to use and the optimization is very fast and efficient even with thousands of items to calculate.

Once the optimization has been done a report can be exported as an Excel file for printing, and distribution of further work. The report includes cutting instructions per stock length and also a total stock required area for costing or ordering purposes.

CAD Integration and Data Entry:

Besides being able to enter data manually into Nest 1D or reading in data from an Excel file, Nest 1D can also pull data directly from Autodesk® Inventor® Parts Only BOM. This speeds up the process dramatically and also avoids any finger trouble with data entry. More CAD integration is to be added soon.


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).


Nest 1D will allow you to trial the app for 10 days after the first run.

After 10 days you may purchase a 1-year subscription for $149 USD.


版本 1.0.23, 2024/5/9
Whats New: <1.0.23> - [Improved] More robust Inventor Import function also catering for suppressed parts. <1.0.21> - [Improved] Added the .xlsm format for when importing data from Excel. <1.0.20> - [Improved] Improved the Custom iProperty conversion to Length. -- Previously only number values could be converted. Now any string value can be converted. -- e.g. "123.45 mm" or "123,45 mm" or "456,78 in" etc. -- The following Inventor units are suppprted - mm, cm, m, km, in, ft, mil <1.0.19> - [Fixed] Fixed the License File requesting link on the Activation Dialog <1.0.18> - [New] Nest 1D has become a paid app. Thanks for everyone's feedback and contributions. We have a list of new features to add. <1.0.16> - [Fixed] Date imported from Excel failed to calculate <1.0.15> - [New] Added the ability to export other Inventor iProperties to the Notes field in the report. -- The property mapping can be set up from within the Options dialog. -- There is a new video on the Help tab explaining how to configure this. <1.0.12> - [Fixed] Help videos stopped working after reading data from Excel <1.0.11> - [Fixed] Fixed a report exporting bug <1.0.10> - [New] Initial public release



5 评论
  • Great tool, even better support.
    Sieghard Windegger | 八月 05, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    I was looking for a tool lik this for a long time, and i have to say that Micrographics naild it. I use AsiProfile so i have to import my BOM List from Excel but works great. I have installt 4 Apps from Micrographics and had to contact them 2 times for minor questions. Everytime i got the answer and solution in no time. Pleas keep up the good work. 

    Pieter van der Westhuizen (发布者) | 八月 05, 2022

    Hi Sieghard, thank you for the kind words and great review!

  • Great Tool
    Shamjith Shaji | 七月 05, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    I can see potential in this tool. Very easy to use. I have been looking for a solution that has good interaction with inventor and also excel and this fits perfectly. Few things i like to see in the software are End cut reduction, ablility to consider same stock but different stock length(Like L angle 45x25x3 have 3 and 4.5 m stock length).

    Pieter van der Westhuizen (发布者) | 七月 06, 2022

    Hi Shamjith, Thanks for the great review. Regarding the end-cut reduction, thanks for the feedback, we will build in some functionality to cater for that. Nest 1D already caters for different stock lengths of the same stock number. Just enter it like that and it will utilize and pick the most appropriate stock length during the optimization process. Contact us from inside the app if you have any queries regarding this.

  • so far so good
    darren falconer | 六月 20, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    have only had a quick play but looksto do the job, my custom profiles dont seem to work but i think thats because i havent set them up correctly.

    would like to know if possible to combine assemblies to get a cutting list for multiple jobs, lets say you have created 4 gate frames and want to have factory cut all the stock for them.

    maybe there is a work around for that??

    Pieter van der Westhuizen (发布者) | 六月 21, 2022

    Hi Darren, Thanks for the review. One way to handle that is to insert all your assemblies into a dummy assembly, basically combining all your "jobs" into one assembly. You can then use that assembly to get all the items you want to optimize.

  • Simply amazing!
    Robin Erich | 五月 10, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    I installed this tool today and im already in love, saves so much time and material. a few things that would make this tool even better;

    Price per meter or kg per tube size, Material waste/usage in KG, and the ability to nest mitered tubes (though I understand this gets complicated quickly)

    but even without these features this is an awesome, easy to use tool!


    Pieter van der Westhuizen (发布者) | 六月 21, 2022

    Thanks for the great review Robin. Regarding your requests. Please email me through the app from the Help tab to discuss these further if you want.

  • Amazing!
    Thinh Nguyen | 五月 01, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    I work with frame generator eveyday. Is there anyway to save off-cut data and use it as stock for next job? Thank you for the app. Its simply amazing

    Pieter van der Westhuizen (发布者) | 五月 05, 2022

    Thanks for the great rating. The idea to put the offcut pieces back into stock is already on the list of things to do. Do you mind emailing us so that we can discuss your specific requirements regarding this?
