7cad 3D Unfold Online

7cad 3D Unfold Online

, English

Tools to unfold 3D model

General Usage Instructions

Option 1: Unfold 3D Solid or Mesh

Isolate your 3D solid or a 3D mesh in a drawing. Clear all other unnecessary objects.

Option 2: Unfold Revolve Shape

Create a drawing with a polyline as the revolve profile. Draw a vertical line as a revolve axis. (See diagram in the screenshot from the 7cad 3D Unfold desktop app)

Once you have your drawing prepared, upload it to my web page via Choose File button. Then, click Unfold button. Wait for the Autodesk® Design Automation service to run for a while then you will have the download link to get your unfolded model drawing. Finally, click the download link.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: 7cad
Support Contact: linh@7cad-programming.com

Author/Company Information


Support Information

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Automatically fixed faces and regions if edges overlapping each other. Automatically purge zero area faces and regions.
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