SmartDraft Inquiry Tools Trial

SmartDraft Inquiry Tools Trial

Digitally signed app



SmartDraft: Inquiry Tools included: 

Distance: A tool to measure the distance and angle between two points or measure the length, delta, radius, tangent, chord, and a chord bearing along an arc. The elevation of the selected points are ignored.

Measure Angle: A tool to measure the angle between two lines, a line, and an arc, or two arcs. 

ID Point: A tool to display the coordinate values of a select point. 

ID Elevation: A tool to display the elevation (z) value of an object. 

Length: A tool which adds the lengths of selected arcs, lines, and polylines. 

List: A tool to display the survey information for lines, arcs, or a segment of a polyline, Civil 3D alignment, parcel line, and feature line even with blocks or XREFs. 

Block Count: A tool to count all or selected blocks within the drawing. Even dynamic blocks with visibility states. 

Area: A tool to display or output the area in Feet or Meters from selected polylines or points. The area labels are associated with the polyline (when the options are set to Object and Text) and when the polyline is edited, the area labels will update the new area. 

Area by Point: A tool to display the area of an enclosed area by selecting a point. Create a polyline for the enclosed area. The area labels are associated with the polyline (when the options are set to Object and Text) and when the polyline is edited, the area labels will update the new area.


To view Inquiry Tools video demonstrations please visit:


This 30-day trial is a fully-functional version of the Inquiry Tools. See SmartDraft Inquiry Tools to purchase them.


To try our complete set of productivity tools, please visit us at  and download the free 30 day trial of SmartDraft Suite.

Próbaverzió leírása

30 day trial.


Verzió 24.0.1, 2024. 03. 27.
Version 24.0.1 released - 3/28/2024. * Supports AutoCAD® 2020-2025.

Képernyőfelvételek és videók


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