Unreal® Live Link for Autodesk® Maya® Version 2

Unreal® Live Link for Autodesk® Maya® Version 2

Linux, English

Autodesk, Inc.
The plug-in lets you stream data from Maya to Unreal in real time, allowing you to work on character assets in Maya while seeing a preview of your work inside Unreal as you make changes.

General Usage Instructions

The Unreal Live Link plug-in makes it possible to stream animation data from Maya to Unreal in real time. Whether you’re working between the two tools in a virtual production environment or building your next game, you can now work on character assets in Maya and see previews of your work reflected immediately in Unreal, as you make changes.  

Version 2 includes new functionality like the ability to push your animation directly into Unreal Engine through Asset Linking. This means that you no longer have to export a file from Maya to get your data into Unreal. 

Version 2.1 now includes features to help you be more efficient and work faster along with more support for camera actors in Unreal engine. 

For more details on how to connect Maya to Unreal, see Connecting Unreal Engine 4 to Maya with Live Link or How to use Unreal® Live Link for Autodesk® Maya® plug-in. To learn more about the plug-in features, see the videos on the Maya Learning channel.




To install:

  • Run ‘chmod +x UnrealLiveLinkForMaya#.sh’ to grant execute permission
  • Run the .sh installer file, both the Maya and Unreal Live Link plugins will install automatically


To uninstall:

  • The plugin folder from one of the above locations can be deleted to remove the plugin

Additional Information

Known Issues

  • Network settings (Edit->Settings) in plug-in UI do not spawn settings window
  • If the Linux distribution does not have OpenSSL 1.1 installed, you may see OpenSSL errors. It is advised to get OpenSSL version 1.1.x
  • Unloading the plugin during a Maya session will leave Maya unresponsive
  • For Maya 2022 and Maya 2023, the Live Link UI sometimes stays underneath the Maya main UI. You can move the main UI to see if the Live Link UI is underneath it, click on it and it will be brought back on top of the main UI.


Company Name: Autodesk, Inc.

Author/Company Information

Autodesk, Inc.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Compatible with Maya 2020, 2022 and 2023 Compatible with Unreal®️ Engine and 5.0
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