Pulldownit 5

Pulldownit 5

Mac OS, English

Dynamics & Fracture Plugin

General Usage Instructions

Rigid bodies workflow:

Create Pdi Body ->Set Pdi Dynamic Properties-> Pdi Solver Options->Bake Pdi Simulation 

Fractures workflow:

Shatter It Feature->PDi Basic Fractures->PDi Advanced Fractures->Bake Pdi Simulation->Add jagginess to fragments 

Please follow this link for Video Tutorial https://vimeo.com/groups/kineticthought/videos/733772583



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description

Set Pdi Dynamic Properties

This window includes all the dynamics properties of the objects as single rigid bodies. It is disabled for objects that belong to a fracture body (fragments).

Create Pdi Body

In this window users are able to set the collision shapes and type of the objects as single rigid bodies. It is disabled for objects that belong to a fracture body( fragments).

Shatter It Feature

Shatter It! is the pre-cutting tool of Pulldownit, in this window users can define the shatter pattern, number of fragments and other options. You can shatter any polygonal mesh, convex, concave or with holes. Although Shatter It can be used independently of the rest of the plug-in, its mayor advantages come when computing dynamics for the prefractured object with the Pulldownit solver.

PDi Advanced Fractures

This window allows users to have more control in the way objects fracture, you can define the location and start frame of the cracks as long as the break threshold of selected areas in the object, also modify the fracture body by detaching parts of it.

Add jagginess to fragments

In this window you can add jagginess to fragments to get a less polygonal look and rough faces. You can add jagginess to fragments generated with Shatter it! Tool before or after computing dynamics, however to get better simulation performance adding it after baking keys is recommended.

Create Pdi Crackers

In this window you can setup cracker objects intended for creating long dynamics cracks over surfaces, you count with several parameters to adjust the cracks behavior.

Pdi Solver Options

In this window users are able to set the global parameters for the Pdi scene in both dynamics and performance.

Bake Pdi Simulation

In this window users can bake dynamics to animation keys; also some utilities regarding system resources are present.

Manage Pdi world

In this pop up window users are able to add or remove rigid bodies from simulation, also delete all the PDI entities to clean the scene or start again from scratch if needed.

PDi Basic Fractures

In this window user can create Fracture Bodies selecting geometry in scene; also set the global parameters of the fracture bodies.

PDI Add Particles

This little utility allows to attach Autodesk® Maya® particles to faces by material


The installer that ran when you downloaded this plug-in from Autodesk App Store has already installed the plug-in.

Windows only: To uninstall this plug-in, simply rerun the installer by downloading it again from Autodesk App Store, and select the 'Uninstall' button, or you can uninstall it from 'Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features' (Windows 10/11) or Add/Remove Programs, just as you would uninstall any other application from your system. The panel on the Plug-ins tab will not be removed until Autodesk® Maya® is restarted. 

OSX: To uninstall this plug-in, simply delete the module directory from your system. The panel on the Plug-ins tab will not be removed until Maya is restarted. 

Additional Information

Available for Windows and Mac OSX

Known Issues


Company Name: Thinkinetic
Support Contact: thinkinetic@gmail.com

Author/Company Information


Version History

Version Number Version Description


New Fast Stacking & Deactivation solver up to 4x faster Instances shapes supported for rigid bodies and Shatter it New UI parameter "adquire anim velocity factor" New Fbody setup option "One per shatter group" New Jagginess option "Add jagginess to All fragments" New Jagginess mode "Assymetric tesselation" 50% less polys than Uniform mode New ability to animate cracker multiplier or disable it at desired frame New ability to auto assing unique names to duplicated nodes or instances New ability to create PDI rigid bodies from groups New UI option "set all dyn values to default" for rigid bodies Shatter it multithreaded( up to 8x faster with regards to v 5.0) New ability to delete Shatter it centers directly in the viewport Initial velocity and angular velocity can be added to "activation at frame" fracture bodies New ability to generate Bounded Cracks until desired frame only New ability to set parameters for several Crackers at once New ability to invert Crackers selection New ability to Edit Name of selected Cracker New ability to show/hide all Crackers paths at once New ability to create Crackers for all selected curves at once New ability to set parameters for several fractures at once Maya cache playback supported right after baking PDI keys Whole shatter group is hilighted before creating fracture body Shatter locator auto return to a valid position after user release the mouse button
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