CHINA GB/T Structural Steel Sections

CHINA GB/T Structural Steel Sections

Win64, English

Princetech Engineering Services Pvt Ltd
In this Structural catalog we have added Steel Sections as per CHINA GB/T 706, GB/T 6728, GB/T 11263 standards.

General Usage Instructions

  • To use this app, select the structure tab from the ribbon.
  • Under 'Structure' tab, click on Member Settings in the setting tab.
  • From the shape standard list select the CHINA GB/T.
  • Choose the shape type and size as per need.
  • Click on Ok.
  • Now you can insert the member as per CHINA GB/T standard.



Installation notes:

This catalog is compatible with Autodesk® AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019 and higher versions. This installer will replace your existing “Structural Catalog.acat”. So before running this installer package, please backup the existing file from the below location: 

C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2025 Content\CPak Common 

Uninstallation notes:

To uninstall this content pack, please go to Control Panel => Programs and Features => select the "CPak CHINA GB/T” => Uninstall

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Princetech Engineering Services Pvt Ltd
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

Princetech Engineering Services Pvt Ltd

Support Information

For questions about this content pack and for adding missing structural size and standard please contact:

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Added 2025 support


Initial Release.
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