Tiny Tools

Tiny Tools

Win64, English

A collection of Autodesk® Revit® plugins that automate many boring and otherwise mind-numbing tasks.

General Usage Instructions

'Tiny Tools' has 5 distinct Plugins. Using them in combination will let you breeze through the creation of thousands of beautiful drawings.

Duplicate Views is a simple, easy to use addition to the toolset of any draftsperson working with Revit. Views duplication is a common practice that becomes a nuisance when done in the traditional Revit environment. There are other ways to automate this process, such as Dynamo or other Revit Add-Ins. What sets 'Duplicate Views' apart is its simplicity and ease of use.

Bulk Rename is another simple yet powerful addition to your toolset. Rename multiple Views or Sheets in one go. You can replace parts of the name (or number, for Sheets), or add to the start or end of it.

Sheets from Views saves you tons of time when creating Sheets for Views in your Projects. With this little tool, you will be able to place multiple views on dedicated, newly created sheets in no time at all! You can select which Titleblock to use and what Viewport Type to apply.

Duplicate Sheets - Like 'Duplicate Views', this command will let you create copies of multiple Sheets at the same time. You can create empty Sheets or choose to copy the Views that go with them as well. The second option will create duplicate Views in the process.

Align Views helps you to create a professional-looking drawing deck. In an age where drawings are increasingly electronic media, having a nicely aligned sheet to flick through is a must. Another otherwise tedious task made easy through programming.




The installer that ran when you downloaded this plug-in from Autodesk App Store has already installed the plug-in. You may need to restart Autodesk Product to activate the plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) or Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Additional Information

Known Issues

Some of the commands (Duplicate Views, Duplicate Sheets, Bulk Rename) only work if the Project Browser window is docked to the Revit window. 


Company Name: Archilizer
Support Contact: support@archilizer.com

Author/Company Information


Support Information

For any questions and recommendations, please send an email to:


For general information and future updates, visit:


Version History

Version Number Version Description


- Release for Revit 2024 - bugfix: Align Views now behaves as expected and aligns views correctly


- Release for Revit 2023


Fixed a bug for non-English Revit installations.


Duplicate View now uses the Settings ViewDuplications user-defined option.


Initial publish of Tiny Tools on Autodesk App Store.
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