BIM&CO / Onfly App

BIM&CO / Onfly App

Win64, English

Install the BIM&CO app for Autodesk® Revit® and download thousands of free BIM objects from our library or take advantage of our Smart Download feature!

General Usage Instructions

After installation and registration on the BIM&CO platform, you will have free and unlimited access to all Revit families and IFC files on BIM&CO.

You can access manufacturers' objects, generic objects made by our content partners, or even objects made by users. Moreover, you can upload your own objects on the platform.



This program installs the BIM&CO App in the Revit directory and adds a mini-browser in the C:\Program Files\Bimandco directory allowing you to access BIM&CO extra features like our "Smart Download", data download, product updates or object upload. To uninstall the program & plugin, go simply to your "add/remove programs" panel and select the BIM&CO installer, all files will be removed.

Known Issues


Company Name: BIM&CO
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information


Support Information

In case of any issue during installation or use, please contact, precising your OS, Revit version, and if possible screen captures of the problem occurred.

Version History

Version Number Version Description

- Various improvements - Bugfix - Add privacy policy and help


- Various improvements - Bugfix - Revit 2021 Compatibility


- Compatibility optimized for Revit 2020 - Various improvements - Design refresh


- Compatibility optimised for Revit 2019 - Various improvements


Minor bugs fixed. Uninstaller language and message bugs fixed.
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