BlinkC Category Visibility

BlinkC Category Visibility

Win64, English

Change category, visibility and transparency on the fly. Save a set of visibilities to reuse on different projects. Define favorites for even quicker access. Switch visibility of CAD and Revit® links.

General Usage Instructions

Keep the panel open to switching category visibilities without breaking your workflow.

You can use it any time.

It shows a list of categories according to the filtering options on the upper part of the tool.

If a category is selected in the list, it is visible, if unselected, it will be hidden.

The categories are color-coded according to their type (Black-Model, Blue-Annotation, Green-Analytical, Orange-CAD). Favorites (see below) are shown in bold.

The checkbox "auto sync" defines, how the categories in the list refer to the view:

Activate "auto sync" to automatically show all categories listed - and only the listed - when the list changes, thus isolating the listed categories

Deactivate "auto sync" to filter the list without automatically changing the visibility of the categories.

Activate "Multi View", to change visibilities for multiple views at once to view your model in different views in sync.

Store (and name) your current visibility settings to switch between different settings with a click.

Save and Load your stored visibility settings to a file for reuse (in the same or different projects).

Use the name filtering to find categories and (if "auto sync" is activated) automatically sync your list to the view.

Select category types (Model, Annotation, Analytical, CAD imports) and/or scopes to show only specific categories.

Store your every-minute categories as favorites to access them immediately (deactivate"auto sync" if the visibilities shall not change, when you activate it).

Use the "Temp" button to activate/deactivate Temporary View Properties (if "Multi View" is active, this will apply to all open views). Now you can change visibilities on views with a ViewTemplate applied, which would otherwise prohibit your changes. Use it also to change visibilities without losing your original state.

Acitvate the Sleep button on the top right to prevent the plugin from automatically updating according to window changes.

Don´t worry. The plugin does not introduce any new stuff to your project. It´s "just" a shortcut to the V/G window.




Click on the downloaded installer and follow the instructions to install the plug-in, the plugin will be installed in the C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins folder.
Use the Windows settings ( Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features) to uninstall the app.

Additional Information

A PDF help file can be downloaded here: BlinkC_Documentation.pdf

Known Issues

Nudging interferes with the selection list when you are working with languages other than English, German, French, or Italian.


Company Name: Bollinger+Grohmann

Author/Company Information


Support Information

If you experience any problems or want to make any suggestions, please let us know:

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Support for Revit 2025. Revit links supported. Added bulb symbols to Hide/Show a single category


Support for Revit 2024. New Sleep Mode. Reduced warning messages.


It is the first public version
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