XYZ Coordinates


XYZ Coordinate App to extract and schedule the X, Y, Z, and Easting and Northing Coordinates from the “Selected Autodesk® Revit® Model elements category”.


The 2015 version of “The XYZ coordinate” app will extract X, Y, Z, and Easting and Northing Coordinates from the Revit family “Structural Column” and “Foundation categories” only.


2016, 2017, and 2018 versions app is an updated version of the “XYZ Coordinate” app which extends Revit’s capability to schedule the X, Y, Z, and Easting and Northing Coordinates from the “Selected Revit Model elements”.


Category limitation: - Due to the Revit family categories constraint, this app can only work with some categories like Doors, Windows, Columns, Electrical Fixtures, Furniture, Room, Lighting Fixtures, etc. All other categories will be skipped.


The app simply adds a set of shared parameters to each element in the selection list, followed by transferring the coordinate data of that element to its parameters.


Each time when updating the location of the objects re-run the app to get the updated coordinate to the parameter file.


This app is fully functional for 15 days of the trial period; this gives an opportunity for the user to check whether it works for the category/element they wanted the coordinate data.

Próbaverzió leírása

This is 15-day trial application.


Verzió 1.0.7, 2023. 10. 11.
Upgrade with the 2023 and 2024 versions.

Képernyőfelvételek és videók


19 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
    Trudi Fajri | augusztus 22, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    great addin to revit - but go to purchase and get to a blank screen site - a pity - will just keep downloadig free trials

    Autodesk - what is the add-in that be be used / maintained 

  • Trial that does not work
    Kevin Cobabe | május 02, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Was hoping to see what this will do, but the trial does not do anything and the webiste is defunct.  To Dynamo I go

  • Great
    Monica Roquel | április 14, 2021

    Is this the same as the Pile Coordinates app?
    How do I purchase this and how will I be notified if we have received the license key? Thanks!

  • Need this
    Benjamin Dogeno | szeptember 02, 2019

    How can I purchase this application?

    Babu Rajan (Közzétevő) | szeptember 09, 2019

    Hi Benjamin, Please download the app from the Auto desk app store. Follow this instruction and get us the Registration Key log file to activate the license. Regards Babu

  • Purchasing
    William Lee | július 25, 2018 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Babu, I have downloaded trial version of XYZ coordinates, and it defintely fits our needs...However I'm trying to purchase and we need official qoute for this add-on to go through Purchase Order process.  We are government establishment and cannot use paypal...can you help us with this.

  • Great App, Great Service
    Dan Woodman | december 01, 2017 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Also downloaded the Pile Coordinates app. Both work seamlessly and the service is excellent. Thanks Babu.

  • Great App!
    Mohd Norashibli Mohamad Said | november 15, 2017

    Hi there, i am facing issue with the coordinates after using this app. It seems like it took default revit 0,0 location for it reference. But i want it to take my current 0,0 location as reference since i adjusted it to match survey plan using shared coordinates method. Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance.

    Babu Rajan (Közzétevő) | november 16, 2017

    This app will get the coordinates (based on your project set up), will not change your project coordinate system. If possible, please email us with a sample project so that we can analyse the issue.

  • Great App for Pile Co-ordinates
    Vijay Kumar | május 19, 2017

    This is really a great App and very very helpful and saves a lot of time. The plus point is the option to regularly update the co-ordinates whenever the piles are re-located and the option of showing the last updated date and time.

  • 2017 version
    Bryn Davies | július 27, 2016 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Any chance of a 2017 updated? Thanks

  • 2016 version
    Babu Rajan | október 06, 2015

  • Fantastic App.
    G Cf | szeptember 11, 2015 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This is a wholly reliable App., which has served me well for the past 12 months, without any issues. I look forward to the arrival of the 2016 version. It would be great if additional Categories be included within the 2016 update.

  • Amazing Tool !
    Sukhvir Verma | február 17, 2015 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Undoubtedly helpful. But once we move any column, parameter doesn't update automatically unless update those again from add-ins tool. never the less pretty much better.

  • very usefull app!
    Istvan Ozsvath | február 16, 2015

    Hello all, Im wondering if somebody could help me with my problem. So here are the details: We are creating annotated 2d layout plans about the hangers. Our client needs the position of the hangers rod (x,y). Since it has two rods we had to separate them within the family to column and structural foundation category. We added shared parameters for each. The tags are working well but since we have nested family the coordinates are not showing up in the schedule. Did someone met with this or could anybody help me out about it? Thanks, ps.: we're using Revit 2014

  • thanks!
    Manuel Araya | december 11, 2014

    slanted columns?

  • Great Plug in
    Kin Yue Li | november 07, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    It's very great for me to use this. But I would like to ask if this apps can be use at wall and floor, so that I can get their coordination?

  • Parameter for Tags
    Re Lech | július 29, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    How can I use the parameters for Tags?

    Babu Rajan (Közzétevő) | július 29, 2014

    You have to create a label that references the same Shared Parameter file used in this addin. They are located in C:\\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2013\XYZCoordinates.bundle\Contents\2013 XYZ_CoordinateParametersColumn.txt XYZ_CoordinateParametersFoundation.txt

  • Great Plug In
    MIKE MCTEER | július 24, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Simple and effective. I was hoping for a 2015 update and I just downloaded and tested it. Works great. Thank you for providing this update.

  • great plug。need 2015 update,thanks。
    Liao Xiaofeng | június 26, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    great plug。need 2015 update,thanks。

  • Great app!
    Joao Cunha | január 21, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Just what we were looking for! Thanks!

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