Scope Box Synchronizer

Scope Box Synchronizer

Sistema operativo:


The application is able to import all or selected Scope Boxes from a linked Autodesk® Revit® project into your project, as well as check if yours and the linked Scope Boxes are the same - if they are different you're able to Synchronize your Scope Boxes to match those in the linked project. Similar to the built-in Copy/Monitor functionality, but on Scope Boxes.

Please note that the Views Visible setting on updated Scope Boxes will not be kept.

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione 2.0.0, 20/12/2023
New user-interface, re-structured, integrated purge function.

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Recensioni dei clienti

20 recensioni
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  • 2025 version?
    William F. Rivera | settembre 04, 2024 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Are there any updates on when the 2025 version will be available?

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | settembre 05, 2024

    Hi William, Yes I'm working on the 2025 version - it will be available quite soon!

  • Feature suggestion: Disable auto-populate on launch
    Luc Doucet | maggio 02, 2024 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    I find the synchronization feature very usefull and easy to use with one caveat in large models with multiple linked files and numerous instances of scope boxes.

    It would be useful to have a start-up feature to disable the automatic population of the list of scope boxes. This way, the application would start-up quicker, allowing the user to then select the linked project file in the "Select Revit Link" and then wait for the window to populate rather than the existing situation where the wait time is roughly doubled as the first linked file is automatically populated.



    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | maggio 03, 2024

    Hi Luc! Thank you for your review and feedback! I have tested the application with plenty of Scope Boxes but that's an easy improvement and I will do that in the next version! In the current version I think I select the link with the most amount of Scope Boxes automatically so I suppose if you have a link with some extreme number it could get a bit slow!

  • 跪求汉化版
    亚北 姚 | novembre 02, 2023


    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | novembre 03, 2023

    Hi Yao - Google Translate tells me that you would like a chinese version of my application? My chinese skills are not very good but I'm currently working on a large update and supporting another language would be interesting! Please contact me by email (in english), have a great day and thank you for your review! :-)

  • Worked great!
    Nate Schulz | dicembre 05, 2022 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Super easy to bring in scope boxes from a linked model.

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | dicembre 07, 2022

    Hi Nate! Thank you for your review and I'm happy you like my application! :-)

  • Great App! Please make more scope box apps!
    Alex Pendray | agosto 08, 2022

    Great app!  Thank you!  Just curious though, if you can make an app that does this, would it be possible to make one that can change the shape of a scope box to match detail lines or just allow you to use sketch lines to make a scope box?  This would make such a big difference to so many users.

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | agosto 10, 2022

    Hi Alex, thank you very much for your review! :-) Unfortunately, there is no support in the Revit API to create or modify the shape of a Scope Box - so we can't create Scope Boxes, we can't modify the size or shape of them. That has been a long standing request on the Revit wishlist for years. Perhaps in Revit 2024?

  • Very handy!
    Romualdo Zwolinski | marzo 23, 2022 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Saves time when working with linked models!

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | marzo 24, 2022

    Thank you Romualdo! Great to hear! :-)

  • Great Tool!
    Zain Juratli | novembre 07, 2019 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Thank you for this great tool

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | novembre 12, 2019

    Thank you, Zain! I'm very happy to hear you like my little creation! Have a great day! :-)

  • Does what it claims
    Tushar Pangaria | novembre 04, 2019 Download verificato (Guida rapida)


    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | novembre 05, 2019

    Hi Tushar! Happy to hear, have a great day!

  • Awesome
    Brian Zuzik | luglio 08, 2019 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Been using this for years, do you have a dynamo version of this app that you could post?

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | luglio 09, 2019

    Hi Brian! Cool, happy to hear you're a long time fan! ;-) A Dynamo version could be possible but parts of the application (detecting difference, rotated links) could be a bit tricky! Just copying Scope Boxes from a link is really simple, applying them to existing views should work... Fun idea! I'll think about it, thanks!

  • Perfect!
    Joseph Shannon | maggio 07, 2019 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    This saved so much time, thank you! Is there a way where I can only update select scope boxes instead of all of them?

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | maggio 10, 2019

    Thanks Joseph, happy to hear you like my little creation! For now, the only way is to filter those Scope Boxes you'd like to be affected using the Filter thingy but that's a good input of course!

  • No Problems
    Sam Randall | gennaio 20, 2017 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    This took a minute to install and worked great. Thanks,

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | gennaio 25, 2017

    Thanks Sam! You're very welcome! I'm happy to hear that, thank you for your review! :-)

  • Best App I've used
    Russell Eckstein | ottobre 05, 2016 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Outstanding app. I've used it on several projects as we follow the Architects scope boxes. I hope Autodesk picks it up and integrates it with the copy/monitor tool.

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | ottobre 06, 2016

    Thanks Russel! :-) So far Autodesk hasn't given me any offers but who knows! Have a great day!

  • Great Job
    Steve Saltsman | settembre 09, 2016 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Think this is a must for all. Autodesk should add it to Revit functionality.

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | settembre 14, 2016

    Thanks Steve! Yes - they should and the only thing required is allowing Copy/Monitor to work on Scope Boxes and it's done. Have a great day!

    Steve Saltsman | aprile 12, 2017

    That is true about the Copy/Monitor but I like you method better! Do you have a 2017 or 2018 version in planning to remove the error at start up?

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | aprile 22, 2017

    The error message is actually a "feature" in Revit 2017 and beyond - it shows that the programmer has been trustworthy enough to prove his identity, pay for a certificate and cryptographically sign the application. It's also a good thing of course - it validates that the application has not been tampered with. The message should dissappear if you choose "Load Always" but I've heard of cases when it doesn't. I currently pondering how to proceed - such a certfificate is pretty expensive and I would need to charge something for the application.

  • Great Add-in, surely a Must have!!
    Diego Malagon | giugno 30, 2016 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    easy to install and use

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | agosto 26, 2016

    Thanks Diego - happy to hear it! :-)

  • Must have app !
    Cyril Waechter | gennaio 25, 2016 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Thanks a lot Thorbjörn for this must have app. Very clear UI, very usefull function missing from native Revit.

  • Easy to use!
    Julien Jean-Charland | dicembre 15, 2015 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Super easy to use and very useful for large projects with a lot of scope boxes!

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | dicembre 16, 2015

    Merci Julien! I'm happy to hear that! :-)

  • Great Add In
    Daniel Mapes | dicembre 15, 2015 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Love the concept and it also works very well. I use this when setting up projects to ensure that scope boxes match for all disciplines. It is also helpful to be able to match changes when scope boxes in the link have been changed.

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | dicembre 16, 2015

    Great to hear that you like the application! Would you also like the application be able to compare Scope Boxes between several Revit projects - even if they are not linked?

  • So easy to use! Try the Scope Box Purger too.
    Jesus Ayala-Vega | settembre 23, 2015 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    This app and the Scope Box Purger helped me a lot in transferring scope boxes from an Arch model (and purging older ones that were messing up my plan views). Both apps were quick and easy to install, and provided good information previous to deleting or linking the boxes.

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | settembre 24, 2015

    Thanks, Jesus! I'm happy to hear that you like Synchronizer - and that you have also tried my very latest little creation; Purger! Right now I'm working on an update to Synchronizer which will make it even easier to use and also make it a little prettier on the eyes. Have a great day!

  • A really nice time saver.
    Thierry Monteyne | luglio 02, 2015 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    No need to open any linked Revit model to review them Scope Boxes, just use the app and you're all done. Version 1.0 needed a little tweak, I admit (not-loaded Revit Links were the issue). So just wait for v1.1 to come online. The app is fast, very fast and within 2 seconds the job can be done. You can even reorder them if not already done. Very fast support by the way, thank you.

    Thorbjörn Hoverberg (Autore) | luglio 02, 2015

    Thank you very much and the next version is, as you wrote, one the way - the friendly people at Autodesk India just needs to package and do some quality assuarance - should be out in a week or so. Thanks again for your bug report, if you ever come by Stockholm - the beers are on me! :-)

  • Command Failure For External Command
    Van Boon | giugno 18, 2015 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Did not work for me. Command Failure for External Command. =(

    Thierry Monteyne | luglio 02, 2015

    Had the same problem. Just email to the supplied cust. support and you should have gotten the answer. I did it, and within 4.1 hours a solution presented itself.

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