Family Type Rename
Automatically rename Wall, Roof, Ceiling, Floor, Building Pad and Toposolid Family Types using specified naming structure. This Add-In will save time and help to organize your Autodesk® Revit® files.
Every time you make a new or duplicate an existing Wall, Roof, Ceiling, Floor, Building Pad or Toposolid just change the properties and click the Family Type Rename button and the Family Types will be renamed automatically.
You can set the shortcut, for example RNM for the Rename Family Types command to rename Family Types even faster.
For example Wall Type new names will be:
Int220 Pla10//Bri200//Pla10
Int225 Til5/Pla10//Bri150/Air50//Pla10
Ext460 Con200/Air76/Air0/Ply19//Met152//Vap0/Gyp13
Ext202 Fin22/Woo25//Str15/Str112/Str15//Fin13
This allows for easy Wall, Roof, Ceiling, Floor, Building Pad and Toposolid Type structure recognition when choosing Type from dropdown list.
Before renaming you will see a dialog that shows how many Types will be renamed. What is the old name and what will be the new name and are there any naming errors.
You can specify naming options and choose Family Types in Settings.
- Name cannot contain these characters \ : { } [ ] | ; < > ? ` ~
- Name can contain these characters / ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + , . -