

Worksets Management is a free plugin for Autodesk® Revit® developed to streamline various worksets related activities. This application contains 7 useful tools to boost daily productivity, and ensure project requirements compliance and data consistency.


1. Create:

  • create all or selected worksets based on the provided list in a text file
  • validate whether worksets listed in the text file are currently in the model


2. Rename:

  • worksets rename based on new name column value


3. Grids/Levels:

  • assign selected grids and/or levels to the selected target workset
  • assign all grids and levels to the default "Shared Levels and Grids" workset


4. Revit/CAD:

  • assign selected linked Revit and/or linked/imported CAD to the selected target workset
  • create and assign a new workset for selected linked Revit and/or linked/imported CAD


5. 3D:

  • create the combined 3D view for selected worksets
  • create a single 3D view for each of the selected worksets


6. Families:

  • assign selected category, family, type or collection of families that belong to a particular workset to the selected target workset


7. Visibility:

  • Turn on/off single/multiple worksets visibility for single/multiple View/View Template
  • Check worksets visibility status for single/multiple View/View Teamplates


版本 1.3.0, 2024/6/18
- Compatible with Revit 2025 - Bug fixed: Length cannot be less than zero." Parameter: length



9 评论
    Jatin Sharma | 五月 30, 2024 验证的下载 (这是什么?)


  • It's a great tool!
    Herbert Overbeck Fonseca | 五月 16, 2024 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    It is a great tool, saves a lot of time to get an organized workshared model in Revit.

  • Excellent well thought out tool
    Nauman Mysorewala | 八月 31, 2023

    The software is awesome. Quickly allows to check workset inconsistencies and fix them immediately. Craete 3D views is great too.

  • Thank you very much!
    Coty Corriea | 八月 23, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    I was going to make a macro or a dynamo script to do just part of what your addon does. Thank you for saving me the time!

  • Great Tool!
    Tim R | 六月 27, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    Great toolm but sometimes it throws an error: "Length cannot be less than zero." Parameter: length

    Dave Vaughn | 五月 18, 2023

    I am getting that very same error. Could the vendor please advise on how to solve this?

    Mitch Buckley | 九月 13, 2023

    Same.. Please help

  • Grate Tool
    Binesh Chandra | 六月 06, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    its realy  amizing 

  • Must have Plugin!
    Sharanu Motgi | 六月 01, 2022

    Very helpful and powerful tool!

  • Efficient Model Management
    Ahmad El-Mani | 五月 26, 2022

    Very powerful tool with custom features to manage model worksets & content 

  • Fantastic tool! Keep it up!
    Tiago Caldeira | 五月 26, 2022 验证的下载 (这是什么?)

    Good tool with great features!
