
Digitally signed app



The drawingInspector plug-in allows you to view drawing documents of your models. It is an app that extends Autodesk® Vault® with a custom "drawingInspector" tab, where you can view all the drawings of the selected model on one side and all the components of that model which don't have any drawings on the other side.


On the context menu you find the following commands:

  • Go To Folder: Like the Vault’s Go To Folder menu, clicking this will bring the folder in the Navigation pane in focus in which the file belongs to. If the folder selected in the Navigation pane is the one that is currently selected, then nothing will happen.
  • Go To File: Again like the Vault’s Go To File menu, clicking this will select the file in the Vault explorer area above. This will trigger a refresh and the tab will be filled with the context of the current selection.
  • Go To Working Folder: Go To Working Folder also works similar to the one that is available in Vault. Clicking this menu will open the corresponding working folder. It will be created and opened if it does not exist before.
  • Create Pdf with powerJobs: This feature works only when you have powerJobs client. It adds a powerJobs' job 'Sample.CreatePDF' job to the job queue.
  • Help: Opens up the local documentation.
  • About: Info about the app.
  • Help for Customization: Opens up the local documentation on customization


バージョン 24.0.22540, 2024/08/22
Support for Vault 2025 Changed to new icons Added clickable link to status panel


カスタマ レビュー

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  • Nice app! Needs one more feature to make it 5 stars
    KENNY WILSON | 2月 11, 2022 確認済みダウンロード (これは何ですか?)

    Great app. Only thing I wished it had was the ability to "View in window" to access the drawiongs in the left panel .Having to "Go to Folder" to view the drawings seems like a long way to go about viewing the drawing. Please consider adding the "View in Window" option on right clicking a drawing and it would be a perfect 5 star app!

    Sheldon Watterson | 6月 25, 2020 確認済みダウンロード (これは何ですか?)

    I ablolutly love this app. I would love to see this added to 2021 even though there is a "has drawing" option. this is much easyer to go though! I will update this to 5 stars if it gets added to 2021

    FRANCO BECERICA | 5月 23, 2019 確認済みダウンロード (これは何ですか?)

    Please, add in a new release RBM "go to folder".


    FRANCO BECERICA | 4月 15, 2024

    Thank you!

  • Finaly!!
    Albrecht Trogmann | 1月 18, 2019 確認済みダウンロード (これは何ですか?)

    Finaly somone has thought about this!!
